Current Members

Motivation for joining (This Organization) - Ranked Ranking
Learning from other executive directors 1
Networking opportunities with peer EDs 1
Encouragement and support from peers 3
Access to Community and City leaders 4
Learning from speakers 5
Resource sharing 6

Some other notable reasons to join (This Organization) included:

Member – Attended Meetings

Were there any specific guest speakers or topics that particularly resonated with you?

  • Speaker1’s topic on burnout was impactful.
  • Enjoyed hearing from Speaker2 and Speaker3 very much
  • Speaker4’s presentation was outstanding and very practical and applicable.
  • Burnout session
  • Really liked the presentation on burnout
  • Burn Out, Meet the New City Manager
  • Enjoyed the Tournament1 because it showed what that organization was being successful in doing. Too often we talk about what is not working, let’s talk about what is working and learn from that.
  • (This Area) Community Foundation and City Manager
  • burn out was a great topic
  • No… I enjoyed all of them and took something away from each one.
  • Presentation on Burnout was excellent.
  • Succession planning

Additional Comments from Members who attended meetings

  • I think the challenge with these meetings is facilitating them in such a way that no single member can dominate the conversation. We should create space for everyone to participate. Perhaps we could agree to set of principles to guide our meeting – that may include limiting the time you speak….
  • I often can’t attend the Wednesday meetings unless I take a day off or go to work late. Wednesday’s coincides with my weekly staff virtual meetings. Other than that, I enjoy what I’ve been able to attend.
  • Really appreciate this group. I look forward to each gathering for the support and encouragement.
  • Would love include Arts and Culture ED’s
  • With new leadership in both My Organization1 and My Organization2, it would be great to do a meet and greet with the new people are in place.
  • Different venues to meet

Member – Did not Attend Meetings

Is there anything could do to make attending meetings more feasible or attractive to you?

  • Change time of day
  • As a $30M organization, sometimes the issues don’t seem relevant.

Past member

Motivation for joining (This Organization) - Ranked Ranking
Learning from other executive directors 1
Presentations from guest speakers 2
Resource sharing 2
Networking opportunities 4
Encouragement and support from peers 5

Some other notable reasons to join included:

If you have not renewed your membership, what are the main reasons for not renewing?

What changes would make you interested in becoming a member again?

Additional Comments from past Members

Non Member

What factors would compell a non member to join (This Organization) Ranking
Learning from other executive directors 1
Networking opportunities 2
Resource sharing 2
Encouragement and support from peers 4
Presentations from guest speakers 5

Additional Comments from Non-Members